Data Structure Questions

List of popular Data Structure questions.

Linked List:

  1. Explain doubly linked list.
  2. Write your own implementation of Doubly Linked List.
  3. Find the middle element of a linked list in a single iteration.
  4. Make a copy of a Linked List having random pointers.
  5. Reverse a given Linked List.

Queue and Stack:

  1. Explain Queue, Double ended queue and priority queue
  2. Explain Stack
  3. Make a Queue using two Stacks.


  1. Find the traversal path in a Tree (not binary) if you have node value.
  2. Explain Binary Tree.


  1. Name different sorting algorithms you heard.
  2. Explain one or more of these-
    • Bubble Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
  3. Which sorting algorithm is more efficient and why?
  4. Which sorting algorithm Java Collections API uses?

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